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Skin lesion segmentation and classification


This project focuses on analyzing skin lesions using the ISIC 2018 dataset. I am using U-Net for lesion segmentation and ResNet50 for classifying lesions into different types.

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Recipe recommendation system based on ingredients


I am developing a recipe recommendation system that uses NLP and web scraping to suggest recipes based on provided ingredients. It matches ingredients with recipes from various sources to simplify meal planning and reduce food waste.

Python Web Scraping NLP Docker
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Strava data integration pipeline with Airflow

July, 2024

I created an automated ETL pipeline using Python to extract data from the Strava API, transform it, and load it into a PostgreSQL database on a weekly schedule. The process is automated with Airflow, which runs in Docker containers, to ensure regular and efficient updates.

Python PostgreSQL Airflow Docker
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Cell segmentation using YoloV8

June, 2024

Developed an end-to-end cell segmentation system using the YOLO v8 architecture to accurately segment and classify white and red blood cells from microscopic images. The model was integrated into a web app created using Flask and deployed on Azure.

YOLO v8 Azure Docker Flask
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Detection of Pneumonia from X-Ray images using CNN and Transfer Learning

December, 2023

Developed neural network models to detect pneumonia from chest X-ray images using CNN and InceptionV3 architectures. The models achieved F1-scores of around 90% and 95% on the test set, respectively.

TensorFlow Matplotlib Explainable AI
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Face recognition with OpenCV

December, 2022

I developed a classifier to identify the actors from the "Friends" TV show in images. Using OpenCV, I preprocessed the images to extract facial features. I then trained a machine learning algorithm to classify the faces based on these features.

Python OpenCV Scikit-learn Flask
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Prediction of Multiple Sclerosis disease progression

October, 2022

Developed an algorithm that can predict the course of multiple sclerosis in a specific time window, considering results from a single visit and sequences of consecutive visits (time series). This was achieved by using classical ML methods and a LSTM NN. The models achieved F1-scores ranging from 71% to 77%. Several explainability methods were also applied.

Python Scikit-learn TensorFlow Explainable AI
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Covid-19 prediction

May, 2021

Project developed to predict the outcome of Covid-19 disease in South Korea using patient data combined with background data, such as weather, region and policy decisions. The real data was cleaned and preprocessed, including scaling, feature reduction (PCA & LDA) and feature selection. Multiple classifiers, including SVM, KNN and Naive Bayes, were tested, achieving a F1-Score of 96%.

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Sleep stages classification

November, 2020

Analyzed and processed different physiological signals (EEG, ECG, EMG and EOG) acquired during a whole night of sleep. Used techniques such as ICA, Filtering, Wavelets, PCA, and MDS. Developed an unsupervised clustering method to identify and classify the different sleep stages.

Python SciPy Scikit-learn
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Prediction of Epileptic seizures

November, 2020

This study aims to predict and detect seizures using EEG data. I focused on identifying patterns within the three classes: Interictal, Pre-Ictal, and Ictal, using neural networks (CNN and LSTM).

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Blood vessel segmentation

October, 2020

Project developed to calculate the number of vessels, their diameter, and the number of bifurcations from 3D files of a vascular network.

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Bioinformatics projects

October, 2020

A variety of bioinformatics algorithms were developed as part of an exercise, addressing tasks such as graph analysis, sequence alignment, gene expression analysis, and protein structural predictions.
